Arrival and Dismissal
Overland Park Elementary Families,
Please help us to keep students safe at drop off by following these procedures:
- All students are dropped off in front of building entrance.
- Students eating breakfast may arrive NO EARLIER than 7:50am to the front entrance
- There are no adults to supervise students before 7:50am outside. This is extremely unsafe, and cannot happen.
- In the front drop off, please pull forward as far as you can to keep our students safe, and eliminate any drop off outside of our school property drive thru
For "Walk up" pick up at dismissal for grade K-2, please stand outside the small gate on the Lowell St. side, and follow these procedures
1. Line up using the cones closest to the building. There are "Stand Here" signs also painted on the sidewalk, marked at a distance and with cones.
2. Wait for the supervising adult to ask for your child's name/grade, and then move to one of the cones placed diagonally toward the sidewalk on Lowell St.
3. Await your student(s)' arrival. Each student will tell the staff member WHO THEY SEE, then be dismissed.
We will always prioritize safety for WHO is picking up students and not how quickly this procedure may take.
Thanks for your patience with this procedure! Student safety is our first concern, and we appreciate your cooperation in following these procedures to make certain ALL students are safe EVERYDAY.
Bike riders will dismount before entering the tunnel and/or the school grounds and walk their bikes to the nearest bike racks. All bikes must be locked with a padlock or key lock. No bike riding is permitted on the school grounds or in the tunnel. All bike riders must be third grade or older. They are to wear bike safety helmets.
Skate boards are not to be ridden or brought to school. Please adhere to the posted “No Skate Boarding” signs.